Mobile App Strategies to grow a new Business

Mobile App Strategies to grow a new Business

New businesses have to be careful with their resources and must use them wisely. They need innovative sales and marketing methods that can work effectively under budget constraints. One such innovative route includes implementation of mobile application strategies.

Mobile applications have many powerful benefits for businesses.

Find out more about the advantages of using mobile applications in business marketing campaigns.

benefits of mobile applications in business marketing

With an exponential increase in smartphone users and excellent internet connectivity across the globe, mobile applications have become a great way of connecting with new and existing customers. Let’s take a look at ways new businesses can implement mobile application strategies to gain a competitive advantage for business growth and expansion.

1. Social media integration – This is the easiest way to use a business mobile application to build and grow a strong brand presence on social platforms. Integrating social media accounts with your business mobile app will allow customers to access them quickly. It will support customer engagement and participation through sharing options. Additionally, businesses will be able to track customer behaviour pattern on social media for better targeting. This in-turn will contribute to designing campaigns that generate higher ROI.

2. Discounts and coupons – Discounts and Coupons entice potential customers to try a new product or service. They serve as incentives to motivate them to try something new and different. A business mobile application is a great place to display discount coupons. In this space, businesses get to interact with target audience who have either already tried the businesses’ products or services before, or are interested in them. Interacting with business mobile app users through discounts and coupons will encourage them to become paying customers by minimizing risks.

3. Customer loyalty program – Another excellent strategy a business mobile app can incorporate is customer loyalty program. It is designed to reward customer interaction. Customer loyalty programs allot points to customers for every interaction. The interactions can be in the form of social engagement and/or purchases. Customers can then redeem collected points for gifts, or discounts on products and services.

improving customer loyalty using mobile app strategies

4. Location and behaviour based targeting – Businesses can easily use mobile applications to collect data on customer locations and behaviour patterns. This allows businesses to:

  • Create campaigns that are location specific and time sensitive
  • Create sales and marketing funnels based on customer behaviour patterns
  • Categorize product promotions based on different customer group types

5. New product launch – Since business mobile applications connect businesses to an audience which has interacted with them in the past, announcing a new product launch on such a platform increases the likelihood of propelling the popularity of the launch. Combining this strategy with discount coupons and contests can remarkably improve conversions.

If you are new to business mobile application strategies, you can start with simple features and keep adding new improvements to support more advanced digital marketing techniques. If planned wisely, business mobile application strategies have the potential to continually support business growth and help new businesses scale up faster.


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