Caribbean website developmnet

21 points to check before launching your business website

21 points to check before launching your business website

The launch of a website comes after months of hard work which includes meticulous planning, creative designing, and efficient development. This can be exciting but can also cause some anxiety. Before a website is launched, it should go through multiple testing phases and prechecks to ensure there are no technical snags and compatibility errors that

21 points to check before launching your business website Read More »

Checklist for hiring a website development company if you are not tech-savvy

Checklist for hiring a website design and development company if you are not tech-savvy

When hiring a website design and development company, many businesses do not know how to assess their options. Hiring a team that does not have the right skill set and experience can be devastating for your business website and digital marketing efforts. Businesses may find the hiring process challenging due to a lack of technical

Checklist for hiring a website design and development company if you are not tech-savvy Read More »

Five types of CTAs your business’s website must have for higher conversions

Five types of CTAs your business’s website must have for higher conversions

A CTA or ‘Call to Action’ is a website element that prompts visitors to take a certain action. The most common forms of CTAs are ‘Read More’, ‘Contact Us’ and ‘Buy Now’. Here are some more examples. A CTA is an effective technique of ushering website visitors towards the next step you want them to

Five types of CTAs your business’s website must have for higher conversions Read More »